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Economic cycles are the key credit portfolio risk driver and they are autocorrelated over time. We then show that it is economically meaningful to define risk for credit portfolios in a multi period setup. Since one period expected shortfall fails to measure risk adequately in a multi period...
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We analyze the investment behavior of private clients concerning structured products. To ascertain their stated and … the questionnaire are that a product described by the investment motives in simple words heavily motivates people to … are described in the traditional, technical style. Finally, the sizes and distribution of the investment amounts turns out …
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Theories of investment suggest that the option value of waiting to invest is significant in many branches of economics …, where investment is irreversible. The existing literature has generally failed to account for the general equilibrium … moderate levels of risk aversion. Our analysis demonstrates that the implications of partial equilibrium models of investment …
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investment flexibilitychange. However, there is no (within-subject) experimental evidence for this conjectureso far. To close … analysis reveals that the influenceof changes in feedback frequency and investment flexibility are not asstraightforward as …
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We study properties of structured financial products optimizing a utility functional of a customer. The conventional method may have the disadvantage that the a priori restriction to a certain number of assets could make it impossible to find the optimal portfolio. So instead of optimizing the...
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This paper sheds light on the influence of exchange rate volatility on foreign direct investment (FDI), both at the … provides a theoretical rationale for this findingand offers new insights in the investment-uncertainty relation. Both the … investment level. In contrast, I derive the expected foreigndirect investment of an economy over a given time period. To estimate …
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n this study, we examine the level of stock market integration and the impact of sovereign risk on the pricing of European equity markets since the introduction of the euro. We use a multivariate GARCH(1,1)-M return generating model allowing for partial market integration in which sovereign risk...
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A common method of valuing the equity in leveraged transactions is the flows-to-equity method whereby the free cash flow available to equity holders is discounted at the cost of equity. This method uses a standard definition of equity free cash flow, but the cost of equity varies over time as...
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This paper examines the impact of capital gains taxation on firms’ investment and financing decisions. We develop a real … options model in which the timing of investment, the decision to default, and the firm’s capital structure are endogenouslyand … firms to speed up investment. Second, firms optimally employ more equity financing, the higher the firm’s stock price and the …
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This paper studies how the investors’ attitude towards earnings surprises affects the managers’ incentives to manipulate earnings in an intertemporal context, where the consensus forecast of the analysts is not exogenously given but determined by the strategic interaction between the analysts...
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