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This working paper looks in detail at the H-1B and L-1 visa programs for temporary employment in the United States. Based on official data from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services and the US Department of State, H-1B and L-1 visa issuance rapidly increased in the late 1990s, followed by...
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The paper investigates the relationship between offshoring, wages, and the ease with which individuals' tasks can be … suitability of a task for offshoring and the associated skill level. Accordingly, wage effects of offshoring can be very …-level data on offshoring. Our main results suggest that in partial equilibrium, wage effects of offshoring are fairly modest but …
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It is striking that by far the lion’s share of empirical studies on the impact of outsourcing on firms considers … industrialized countries. However, outsourcing by firms from emerging economies is far from negligible and growing. This paper … investigates the link between outsourcing and innovation empirically using firm-level data for over 20 emerging market economies …
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not accurately distinguished between offshoring, domestic outsourcing, and the substitution of domestic by foreign … offshoring and domestic outsourcing with a firm panel. I find that offshoring of non-core activities has led to productivity … gains whereas offshoring of core activities and domestic outsourcing have had no such effects. The estimated productivity …
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Since their inception at the end of the Second World War, the sister organizations of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have aimed to consistently speak with one voice vis-à-vis their member governments. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that they often do not speak in...
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We develop a new empirical approach to identify tradable service activities. Contrary to conventional views of service activities as nontradable, we find a significant number of service industries and occupations that appear tradable and substantial employment in these tradable activities....
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This paper estimates the effects of offshoring on labour market inequalities between skill groups based on German … industry level data from 1995 to 2007. Our main findings are the following: First, offshoring is on average biased in favour of … sector, material offshoring, and offshoring to Central and Eastern Europe. Second, we find that the labour market adjusts to …
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During the recent decades, multitasking has become a more and more common phenomenon at workplaces. Rather than specializing in a job task, workers perform bundles of tasks. Bundling occurs when tasks are complements. Using individual-level data about job tasks, we analyze which tasks are...
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Multinational corporations account for 80 percent of all transfers of goods and services across borders, either within their own affiliate transactions or through networks with independent providers. As a result, the term supply chains is rapidly becoming the new norm in discussing the spread of...
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