Showing 1 - 10 of 14
In Great Britain several policy measures have been implemented in order to increase energy efficiency and to reduce carbon emissions. In the domestic sector, these targets can be achieved by improving space heating efficiency and, hence, decrease heating expenditures. However, before...
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Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrags steht eine Analyse des kalifornischen Strommarktdebakels und der Lehren aus den dortigen Ereignissen. Das Papier geht auf die Entwicklung der Märkte ein und zeigt die Gründe für das Scheitern des kalifornischen Übergangsmodells auf. Die Analyse zeigt, dass es...
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This paper aims at describing the choices to be made in selecting and implementing a reform model for the electricity industry and to derive some implications for the situation in Kosovo. The paper argues that the appropriate reform model depends on the circumstances in the considered...
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Gegenstand dieses Beitrags ist ein Überblick über den Status quo des Strombinnenmarkts und die jüngsten Kommissionsvorschläge für eine Änderung der Stromrichtlinie und den Erlass einer Netznutzungsverordnung für grenzüberschreitende Stromlieferungen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird der Frage...
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In diesem Papier werden die in Kumkar (1999) gewonnene Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der komparativen Vorteile alternativer Liberalisierungsmodell für die Stromwirtschaft auf die deutsche Situation übertragen. Ziel ist die Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen für die weitere wettbewerbliche Neuordnung...
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This paper deals with the German government's proposal to Iiberalize the domestic electricity supply industry. The government bill aims to establish a retail wheeling model in the electricity transmission and distribution System. The Opposition against this model mainly comes from the publicly...
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This paper deals with the electricity reforms (1990-1996) in three Scandinavian Couiitries: Norway, Sweden and Finland. Of Special importance for the efficiency in the sector is the question, whether the re-regulation of the electricity transport business is accompanied by a comprehensive...
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This paper deals with the efficiency characteristics of alternative governance structures in the electricity sector. The analysis begins with the description of some technical aspects of the electricity supply industry. The goal is to identify the main co-ordination tasks within, and between the...
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This year legal activities were started which are meant to lead to a higher integration of the electricity supply industry in the European Union. It is intended to liberalize the national markets simultaneously restraining the influence of the national governments. This article provides an...
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This paper deals with the efficiency characteristics of alternative regulatory policies in the electricity sector. The analysis begins with the presentation of the analytical concept of the ?regulatory contract, which is based on the New Institutional Economics. The main part of the paper deals...
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