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contribution of fluctuations in inflation to this particular link. In the data, a temporary rise in inflation causes real commodity … prices to rise, as does a rise in trend inflation. We find that a simple dynamic equilibrium model of commodity supply and … demand gives a realistic response of real commodity prices to inflation. Based on historical simulations, shocks to inflation …
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We find that real interest rates paid on government debt depend significantly upon current and expected future levels of debt, in Europe as in the US. But this result only emerges when we condition on foreign interest rates, illustrating financial international integration. The previously strong...
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inflation target is subject to unobserved changes. It characterizes the effect of disclosure of forecasts on inflation and … the slope of the Phillips curve, the central bank's preference weight on inflation relative to output and the ratio of the … variability of the inflation target relative to the cost-push disturbance. The paper briefly discusses how disclosure of forecasts …
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This paper studies the effects of ECB communications about unconventional monetary policy operations on the perceived sovereign risk of Italy over the last five years. More than fifty events concerning non-standard operations are identified and classified with respect to the specific ECB...
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long-run interest rates and inflation expectations into account. We find a strong connection between oil prices and long … strong relationship if inflation and oil prices were driven by monetary policy. The observed magnitude of this relationship …
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We examine both the degree and the structural stability of inflation persistence at different quantiles of the … conditional inflation distribution. Previous research focused exclusively on persistence at the conditional mean of the inflation … rate. As economic theory provides reasons for inflation persistence to differ across conditional quantiles, this is a …
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Conjectures about inflation expectations are inextricably linked to our understanding of the relationship between the … therefore examines the empirical properties of inflation expectations data constructed on the basis of both qualitative and … provides some insights into the nature of the interaction between monetary policy and inflation expectations. …
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implications for monetary policy as the central bank has to decide which inflation rate to target. Our results demonstrate that …
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that fix exchange rates and those that target inflation. Inflation targeting is a more durable policy; no country has yet … been forced to abandon an inflation target, while many have abandoned fixed exchange rates. Indeed, even though inflation … targeting began only in 1990, the duration of inflation targeting regimes is at least as long as, or longer than all alternative …
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good inflation. In addition, the Ramsey optimal monetary policy can be approximated reasonably well with a Taylor …-type interest rate rule with weights on both inflation rates and output …
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