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The Renewable-Energy-Source-Act (EEG) promotes German biogas production in order to substitute fossil fuels, protect the environment and prevent climate change. In this paper we quantitatively analyse the EEG-reform in 2008. Results imply that the reform contributes to an expansion of biogas...
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The paper discusses the decisions on the reform of the CAP from June 2003. The decisions focus on the decoupling of the direct payments to farmers from production. This will reduce production incentives and thereby improve the allocation of resources. However, payments to farmers will hardly be...
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The paper discusses the decisions on the CAP in the context of the Berlin summit. In a rather broad perspective the agricultural sectoral and related objectives are analyzed for their consistency and compatability with higher ranking societal objectives. The policiesÂ’ allocational and...
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In the context of energy security and climate protection, biomass is given high importance. Nevertheless, land-use conflicts resulting from the cultivation of biomass and their economy-wide effects are yet to be fully understood. To shed light on this issue we link three distinctive models; a...
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Germany has about the same proportion of foreigners in its population as the United States, it is an immigration country. In a way, Germany has let immigration happen, but it did not really have an explicit immigration policy in the past. Now it has to make up its mind on its immigration policy...
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This paper addresses poverty reduction strategies from a labour market perspective. Structural features and constraints are emphasised using informality as a descriptive and segmentation as an analytical concept. Divergent demand-side developments combined with limited labour market mobility...
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This paper provides a technical description of GEM-PIA, a recursive-dynamic computable General Equilibrium Model for Poverty Impact Analysis in individual countries. The model combines the optimizing behavior of CGE models with the asset portfolio behavior of macromodels, thereby addressing the...
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The impact on internal migration of the recent Customs Union (CU) agreement between Turkey and the European Union (EU … 'wage curve' in the urban sector. The numerical results show that, under both specifications, the CU leads to migration from … respect to the dual economy literature. Both scenarios suggest that internal migration is economically desirable, as it would …
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This paper identifies the determinants and patterns of mass migration in Moldova – a country in which migration has … migration, which has become increasingly popular in many Eastern European countries. Our findings indicate that poverty is a … main push factor of migration decisions. Additionally, network effects and migration experience appear to be crucial for …
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