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sovereign risk, which may be difficult to overcome. The latter could be kept within limits by financial restructuring towards …
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Stylized facts suggest that output volatility in OECD countries has declined in recent years. However, the causes and … structural breaks in the dynamics and the volatility of the real output process in Germany can be detected. We report evidence … that output volatility has declined in Germany. Yet, this decline in output volatility is not as clear-cut as it is in the …
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A recent literature has pointed at potential negative effects of exchange rate volatility on innovation. In this paper … years 1987 - 2003. We find that the direct negative effect of volatility is pronounced in manufacturing sector but is … dominated by the indirect effect via the export channel. Services do not face any effects of volatility on R&D intensities …
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period of 1994q32005q2. The results suggest that the real exchange rate volatility and misalignment have depressing effects … volatility proving that the policy-induced changes in exchange rate has a stabilizing effect on trade flows. The implied … elasticity for the most significant real exchange rate volatility coefficient is 0.20. Using a two-step Engle-Granger technique …
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This paper analyzes the impacts of news shocks on macroeconomic volatility. Whereas anticipation amplifies volatility …) to provide numerical evidence that news shocks increase the volatility of key macroeconomic variables in the euro area …
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-wealth ratio, and welfare should be higher in an open economy due to a higher productivity and/or less volatility through risk …
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This note considers the treatment of risk and uncertainty in the recently established social cost of carbon (SCC) for … discounting, it mis-estimated climate risk, possibly hugely. Given the uncertainty about estimating the SCC, the note concludes by …
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individuals’ attitudes toward risk. It challenges the conventional view that the random lottery incentive mechanism introduces no … biases in inducing risk preferences …
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We explore the link between international stock market comovement and the degree to which firms operate globally. Using stock returns and balance sheet data for companies in 20 countries, we estimate a factor model that decomposes stock returns into global, country-specific and industry-specific...
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The economics profession appears to have been unaware of the long build-up to the current worldwide financial crisis and to have significantly underestimated its dimensions once it started to unfold. In our view, this lack of understanding is due to a misallocation of research efforts in...
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