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effectiveness of financial education in low and middleincome countries. The two activities and their staging have been motivated by …
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Firms in Kenya rely on technologies such as computers, cell-phones, and generators toovercome constraints associated … owners. The exogenous component of technology ownership is isolated by usinginformation on the regional presence of … averageregional elevation. Results indicate that for firms with female owners, technology adoptionimproves value-added per worker by …
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In this paper, we explore empirically the role of openness, technology and labour marketrigidity in the determination … sectorsand that the labour market in high technology sectors is more flexible than in low technologysectors. We use this index in …
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proposes a simple theory ofskill-biased change in entrepreneurial technology that fits with cross-country, historical andmicro …
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trend (purely externalnon-economic) as well as other exogenous (external economic) factors (technology shifters).We define … technology index based on the external economic factors which are indicators of‘technology’. Thus our definition of production … to producer specificexternal economic factors. These exogenous technology shifters are aggregated (via hedonicaggregator …
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The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of corporate R&D activities onfirms’ performance, measured by labour productivity. To this end, the stochastic frontiertechnique is applied, basing the analysis on a unique unbalanced longitudinal datasetconsisting of 532 top...
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does not properly measure technology) and makes it possible to calculatethe contributions of disaggregated units …-KLEMS) and firm-level (Amadeus) data. After adding furtherassumptions about technology and market structure (firms minimize costs …
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highlighted within the UKGovernment’s framework for Science & Technology.... …
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The tendency to underestimate the future value of a variable growing at a constant rate, anexample of exponential growth bias, has been linked to household financial decision making.We show that exponential growth bias and standard measures of financial literacy arenegatively correlated in a...
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In this paper we will look at job creation and destruction in firms. We will answer the questionif it is the large companies that create jobs, while the smaller companies are contributingmuch less. Or is it the young companies that create jobs? And who destroys the most jobs?In the crisis...
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