Showing 1 - 10 of 56
The introduction of firm size into labor search models raises the question how wages are setwhen average and marginal product differ. We develop and analyze an alternative to theexisting bargaining framework: Firms compete for labor by publicly posting long- termcontracts. In such a competitive...
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The paper studies whether and how CEO turnover in Ukrainian firms is related to theirperformance. Based on a novel dataset covering Ukrainian joint stock companies in 2002-2006, the paper finds statistically significant negative association between the pastperformance of firms measured by return...
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Flexicurity labour markets are characterised by flexible hiring/firing rules, generous socialsafety net, and active labour market policies. How can such labour markets cope with theconsequences of the Great Recession? Larger labour shedding is to be expected and thisstrains the social safety net...
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The evaluation of labor market policies has become an important issue in many Europeancountries. In recent years, a number of them have opened their administrative databases forevaluation studies. The advantages of administrative data are straightforward: they areaccurate, contain a large number...
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There is a debate on whether executive pay reflects rent extraction due to “managerialpower” or is the result of arms-length bargaining in a principal-agent framework. In this paperwe offer a test of the managerial power hypothesis by empirically examining the CEOcompensation of U.S. public...
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A model for matched data with two types of unobserved heterogeneity is considered – onerelated to the observation unit, the other to units to which the observation units are matched.One or both of the unobserved components are assumed to be random. This mixed modelallows identification of the...
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This article puts the relationship between wage dispersion and firm productivity to an updatedtest, taking advantage of access to detailed Belgian linked employer-employee panel data.Controlling for simultaneity issues, time-invariant workplace characteristics and dynamics inthe adjustment...
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The paper argues that networked firms are likely to have an advantage in securing externalfinance in countries with weak legal and judicial institutions since it helps financial institutionsto minimize the underlying agency costs of lending. An analysis of recent BEEPS data fromfifteen Central...
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We discuss how the use of field experiments sheds light on long standing research questionsrelating to firm behavior. We present insights from two classes of experiments: within andacross firms, and draw common lessons from both sets. Field experiments within firmsgenerally aim to shed light on...
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We provide the first econometric study of efficiency for a member of the Mondragon group ofworker cooperatives. Eroski is a retail distribution chain and, most unusually, there are twodistinct types of hypermarkets: (i) cooperatives with significant employee ownership andvoice; and (ii) GESPAs...
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