Showing 1 - 10 of 21
We study compensation packages in family and non-family firms. Using matched employeremployeedata for a representative sample of French establishments, we first show thatfamily firms pay on average lower wages to their workers. We find that part of this wage gapis due to differences in...
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What makes the entrepreneurial personality is the key question we seek to answer in thespecial issue of the Journal of Economic Psychology on “Personality and Entrepreneurship”.The contributions are clustered around questions regarding the linkage between personality,socio-economic factors...
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The “Great Recession” resulted in many business closings and foreclosures, but what effectdid it have on business formation? On the one hand, recessions decrease potential businessincome and wealth, but on the other hand they restrict opportunities in the wage/salary sectorleaving the net...
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We develop entrepreneurship and institutional theory to explain variation in different types ofentrepreneurship across individuals and institutional contexts. Our framework generateshypotheses about the negative impact of higher levels of corruption, weaker property rightsand especially...
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A personal bankruptcy law that allows for a “fresh start” after bankruptcy reduces theindividual risk involved in entrepreneurial activity. On the other hand, as risk shifts to creditorswho recover less of their credit after a debtor’s bankruptcy, lenders may charge higherinterest rates or...
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In this paper we will look at job creation and destruction in firms. We will answer the questionif it is the large companies that create jobs, while the smaller companies are contributingmuch less. Or is it the young companies that create jobs? And who destroys the most jobs?In the crisis...
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Experimental evidence reveals that there is a strong willingness to trust and to act in bothpositively and negatively reciprocal ways. So far it is rarely analyzed whether these variablesof social cognition influence everyday decision making behavior. We focus on entrepreneurswho are permanently...
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We provide, for the first time, comparative evidence of the impact of various types of extremeevents – natural disasters, terrorism, and violent conflicts – on the perceptions ofentrepreneurs concerning some key entrepreneurial issues – such as fear of failure instarting a business...
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The focus on employer-provided health insurance in the United States may restrict businesscreation. We address the limited research on the topic of “entrepreneurship lock” by usingrecent panel data from matched Current Population Surveys. We use difference-indifferencemodels to estimate the...
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In contrast to the very large literature on skill-biased technical change among workers, thereis hardly any work on the importance of skills for the entrepreneurs who employ thoseworkers, and in particular on their evolution over time. This paper proposes a simple theory ofskill-biased change in...
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