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This paper analyzes the effects of different labor market institutions on inflation and output volatility. The eurozone …. We use a New Keynesian model with unemployment to predict the effects of different labor market institutions on … on inflation volatility, which can also be rationalized by our theoretical model. …
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The deep recession has led to a marked deterioration in labour market conditions in the OECD area. This paper, which draws heavily on other ongoing analytical work at the OECD, takes stock of recent labour market developments, highlights some of the key uncertainties in the early stages of the...
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In this paper we study the structure of labor market flows in Spain and compare them with France and the US. We characterize a number of empirical regularities and stylized facts. One striking result is that the job finding rate is slightly higher than in France, while the jon loss rate is much...
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' relative position persists: those with the highest unemployment rates in 1996 were also in the worse position in 2012. To … reacts to regional employment shocks in a variety of cases. Shock responses are channelled via changes in unemployment …, unemployment and spatial mobility become the central ones in recession. We also provide evidence of real wage rigidities in both …
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Based on the methodology of Beaudry and DiNardo (1991), this paper investigates the relative importance of the spot market and implicit contracts in the determination of British real wages. Empirical work is carried out separately for males and females with individuallevel data taken from the...
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. The Beveridge curve depicts the steady state of the model, whereby inflows into unemployment are equal to the outflows …
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Germany experienced an even deeper fall in GDP in the Great Recession than the United States, with little employment loss. Employers' reticence to hire in the preceding expansion, associated in part with a lack of confidence it would last, contributed to an employment shortfall equivalent to 40...
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This paper establishes a new fact about the compositional changes in the pool of unemployed over the U.S. business cycle and evaluates a number of theories that can potentially explain it. Using micro-data from the Current Population Survey for the years 1962-2011, it documents that in...
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average re-employment probabilities. Living in an area with high local unemployment reduces re-employment chances as does … somewhat if a worker is unemployed in an area with high overall unemployment. …
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the optimal policy can increase the volatility of unemployment significantly. Public sector wage and employment shocks … have mixed effects on unemployment. A wage shock raises the unemployment rate, while a reduction in the separations lowers … it. Hiring more people can increase or decrease the unemployment rate. All shocks raise the wage and crowd out employment …
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