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particular, we assess whether the fact that women do more housework may be explained by differences in preferences deriving from … differences in gender identity between men and women. We find little evidence of any systematic gender differences in the …Using an experimental design, we investigate the reasons behind the gendered division of housework within couples. In …
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The time devoted to housework in couple households is substantial. Research on intrahousehold time allocations has … generally assumed that housework is a necessary evil and that the partner with the lower opportunity cost of time in the market …
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This paper analyses the effect of housework on men and women’s wages in Denmark by estimating quantile regressions on … each of the years 1987-1991. We find, as in U.S. studies, that housework has negative effects on the wages of women and …, housework has a positive effect on the wages of women and a negative effect on the wages of men, and in fact, high-wage men …
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Objective: Focusing on housework activities, we construct a gender neutral composite index measure of intrahousehold … subsidized childcare services provided by the Danish welfare system. Conclusion: Intrahousehold specialization in housework …
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housework than boys. Housework is a non-negligible part of child labor in which around 60% of children in our sample are engaged … when the ideal proportion increases from 0 to 1, the gap in the time spent on weekly housework for an average girl compared … separately by caste, religion and family size. Second, we use a two-stage model to look at participation into housework (as well …
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support the FE estimates and suggest that father's housework induced by his partner's non-traditional gender role attitudes …This paper analyzes the relationship between parents' time devoted to housework and the time devoted to housework by … in housework for both parents, indicating that the more time parents devote to housework, the more time their children …
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which family units (and women within families) remain primarily responsible for familial care obligations, and where the … industrialized countries, we hint at the existence of a threshold ratio of gender equity in the distribution of domestic work that …
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factors to the decline in the gender wage gap: changes across cohorts in the relative slopes of men’s and women’s age … about one-third of the narrowing of the gender wage gap over the past 40 years. Under quite general conditions, we argue …-school investments (PSIs) to the decline of the gender wage gap. …
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increasing the women's bargaining power alters household expenditure patterns. Second, whether households allocate fewer … resources to daughters than to sons. Third, whether increasing the bargaining power of women reduces pro-boy discrimination. We … find that expenditure patterns do vary with proxies for women's bargaining power. Pro-boy discrimination is suggested by …
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although prison is associated with declining employment rates during the quarters leading up to women's incarcerations, it does … not appear to harm their employment prospects later on. In the short-term, we estimate that women's post-prison employment … fall back to pre-prison levels. But for some groups of women, including those with four or more children, those who served …
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