Showing 1 - 10 of 73
We model the bargaining process of parents over custody at the time of divorce. First we assume an institutional …
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We develop a model of the household in which spousal incomes are determined by premarital investments, the marriage market is characterized by assortative matching, and endogenously-determined sharing rules form the basis of intra-household allocations. By incorporating pre-marital investments...
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In this paper we derive an explicit model of negotiations between spouses when utility is (partially) transferable only in case of separation. We show that inefficient separation may occur in equilibrium even under consensual divorce law. This provides theoretical support for the view that...
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We study bilateral bargaining problems with interested third parties, the stakeholders that enjoy benefits upon a … enters bargaining directly. Our results lend support to the tendency towards decentralisation of pay bargaining in the public …
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In his classic article "An Essay on Bargaining" Schelling (1956) argues that ignorance might actually be strength … rather than weakness. We test and confirm Schelling's conjecture in a simple take-it-or-leave bargaining experiment where the …
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levels, the equilibrium is efficient. This result contrasts sharply with the predictions of models with ex post bargaining …
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In a market in which sellers compete by posting mechanisms, we study how the properties of the meeting technology affect the mechanism that sellers select. In general, sellers have incentive to use mechanisms that are socially efficient. In our environment, sellers achieve this by posting an...
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In many markets, sellers advertise their good with an asking price. This is a price at which the seller is willing to … variety of real world markets, asking prices have received little attention in the academic literature. We construct an …
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This paper studies how an institution such as markets affects the evolution of mankind. My key point is that the forces …
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the players and policies in the many distinct domestic and international markets that exist for the inputs and outputs of …
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