Showing 1 - 10 of 121
Monitoring by peers is often an effective means of attenuating incentive problems. Most explanations of the efficacy of mutual monitoring rely either on small group size or on a version of the Folk theorem with repeated interactions which requires reasonably accurate public information...
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We devise an experiment to explore the effect of different degrees of competition on optimal contracts in a hidden …
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results from a field experiment of the impact of tightening the administration of benefits in which benefit claimants were …
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experiment in which effort, quality adjusted output and office politics are compared under piece rates and tournaments. Our …
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This paper studies the impact of incentives on worker self-selection in a controlled laboratory experiment. In a first …
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(Title: Active Labor Market Policy and its Evaluation: The Current State of Affairs) Despite the considerable effort and the large financial expenditures spent on measures of Active Labor Market Policy in Germany, relatively little is known about their actual impact. To the contrary, past...
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experiment reproduces this model in the laboratory by means of various treatments in which we alter the variance of the …
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Using a controlled experiment, we examine the role of nurture in explaining the stylized fact that women shy away from …
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period and individuals are not too risk averse. This paper tests the POUM hypothesis by means of a within subjects experiment … inequality aversion are (partially) controlled for via either the experiment design or the information collected during the … experiment. We find that the POUM hypothesis holds under alternative specifications, even when we control for individual fixed …
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experiment. First, a model is analyzed in which two agents simultaneously decide between a risky and a safe strategy and we allow …
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