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inequality and mobility for demand for redistribution and social insurance. We model the size of two different public programs … under the welfare state. We investigate bidimensional voting on the tax rates that determine the allocation of government …, and the demand for redistribution crucially depend on the level of income inequality and mobility. …
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In this paper, we introduce and apply a general framework for evaluating long-term income distributions according to the Equality of Opportunity principle. Our framework allows for both an ex-ante and an ex-post approach to EOp. Our ex-post approach relies on a permanent income measure defined...
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This paper proposes a two-step aggregation method for measuring long-term income inequality and income mobility, where mobility is defined as an equalizer of long-term income. The first step consists of aggregating the income stream of each individual into a measure of permanent income, which...
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As an alternative to the conventional methods for measuring chronic poverty, this paper proposes an interpersonal comparable measure of permanent income as a basis for defining and measuring chronic poverty. This approach accounts for the fact that individuals regularly undertake inter-period...
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Income mobility is often thought to equalize permanent incomes and thereby to improve social welfare. The welfare analysis of mobility often fails, however, to account for the cost of the variability of periodic incomes around permanent incomes. This paper assesses the net welfare benefit of...
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century. We propose an explanation for these facts which is based on a dynamic political economy model where redistribution is …
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This paper provides a political-economic model to study the impact of low-skilled immigration on the host country's education system, which is characterized by sources of school funding, the average expenditure per pupil, and the type of parents who are more likely to send their children to...
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public schooling. We develop a theory which integrates private education and fertility decisions with voting on public …
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time-consistency problem in income redistribution. There may be political support for so generous subsidization that it … income redistribution. …
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receive utility from the act of voting. However, this leaves open the question of whether or not there is a significant margin … consideration of the likelihood that they will be pivotal. Among the remainder, the probability of voting is related to variables …
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