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This paper estimates the economic and non-economic returns to volunteering for prime-aged women. A woman's decision to engage in unpaid work, and to marry and have children, is formulated as a forward-looking discrete choice dynamic programming problem. Simulated maximum likelihood estimates of...
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While a large body of literature focuses on how fertility affects female labour market participation, there are … relatively few studies that examine the effect of fertility on male labour market participation. Even if the burden of child care … falls mainly on women, an exogenous increase in fertility is likely to change the optimal allocation of time, therefore, the …
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decisions for four levels of labor market involvement and fertility decisions are jointly modeled. We allow decisions to be …
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propose an econometric model that accounts for the endogeneity of labor market and fertility decisions, for the heterogeneity … of the effects of children and their correlation with the fertility decisions, and for the correlation of sequential …
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Using data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 U.S. Census, I find little support for the opt-out revolution – highly educated women, relative to their less educated counterparts, are exiting the labor force to care for their families at higher rates today than in earlier time periods – if one...
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Children affect the after-birth labor force participation of women in two ways. Directly, the time spent in child-care reduces the labor market effort. Time spent out of the labor market while on maternity leave alters women’s participation experience and indirectly affects subsequent...
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This paper investigates trends and changes in the structural composition of women’s weekly market hours worked in former West-Germany using aggregate time-series data from the German micro census from 1957 until 2002. Aggregate weekly hours worked per workingage woman are decomposed into hours...
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women in a framework that accounts for the endogeneity of labor market and fertility decisions, the heterogeneity of the … effects of children and their correlation with the fertility decisions, and the correlation of sequential labor market … part time jobs. Individual heterogeneity plays an important role in the relationship between labor market and fertility …
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This paper introduces a new IV strategy based on IVF induced fertility variation in childless families to estimate the … IV estimates indicate that fertility effects are: (a) negative, large and long lasting; (b) much stronger at the …
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Increasing mothers' labor supply is a key policy challenge in many OECD countries. Germany recently introduced a generous parental benefit that allows for strong consumption smoothing after childbirth and, by taking into account opportunity costs of childbearing, incentivizes working women to...
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