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This research introduces an agent-based simulation model representing the dynamic processes of cooperative R&D in the manufacturing sector of South Korea. Firms' behavior is defined according to empirical findings on the Korean Innovation Survey 2005 and captured in a multivariate probit...
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Using firm level data on 70,000 enterprises in 107 countries, this paper finds important effects of access to finance … systematically by firm types. Micro and small firms have less access to formal finance, pay more in bribes than do larger firms, and … downward the size distribution of firms. In the case of finance and business regulations this occurs by reducing the employment …
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We use data from over 20,000 firms in 60 countries to identify constraints on the growth of firms. We interpret managers’ answers to survey questions on the extent to which various aspects of their external environment inhibit the performance of their firm as measuring the shadow cost of...
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Using 2005 firm level data for 26 ECA countries, this paper estimates performance gaps between male- and female-owned businesses, while controlling for their location by industry and country. We find that female entrepreneurs have significantly smaller scale of operations (as measured by sales...
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This paper develops and applies a method for decomposing cross section variability of earnings into components that are forecastable at the time students decide to go to college (heterogeneity) and components that are unforecastable. About 60% of variability in returns to schooling is...
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Although economic agents routinely face various types of economic uncertainty, their effects are often unclear and hard … to assess, in part due to the absence of suitable measures of uncertainty. Because of the numerous and very substantial … their periods of uncertainty, moreover, these countries have experienced sharply falling fertility rates. Some have argued …
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earnings variability are due to uncertainty and which components are due to components of human diversity that are forecastable …
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Optimal layoff rules in closed form are derived for all workers in a firm that downsizes under uncertainty and faces … aircraft building company that went bankrupt in 1996 shows that workers with high uncertainty associated with higher than …
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We specify a structural life-cycle model of consumption, labour supply and job mobility in an economy with search frictions that allows us to distinguish between different sources of risk and to estimate their effects. The sources of risk are shocks to productivity, job destruction, the process...
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We construct and estimate by maximum likelihood an equilibrium search model where wages are set by Nash bargaining and idiosyncratic productivity follows a geometric Brownian motion. The proposed framework enables us to endogenize job destruction and to estimate the rate of learning-by-doing....
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