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This paper examines whether schooling has a positive impact on individual's political interest, voting turnout …
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This paper provides a political-economic model to study the impact of low-skilled immigration on the host country's education system, which is characterized by sources of school funding, the average expenditure per pupil, and the type of parents who are more likely to send their children to...
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gradual reduction due to declining wealth inequality. A number of extensions to the basic model allow to match our theory with …
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public schooling. We develop a theory which integrates private education and fertility decisions with voting on public … theory are consistent with state-level and micro data from the United States as well as cross-country evidence from the PISA …
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This paper analyzes educational choices and political support for subsidies to higher education in the presence of a time-consistency problem in income redistribution. There may be political support for so generous subsidization that it motivates the median voter to obtain higher education. As a...
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receive utility from the act of voting. However, this leaves open the question of whether or not there is a significant margin … consideration of the likelihood that they will be pivotal. Among the remainder, the probability of voting is related to variables …
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This paper examines, both theoretically and empirically, the effect of social networks and belonging to minority groups (or race) on the probability of winning in reality television shows. We develop a theoretical model that studies viewer behavior by presenting a framework of competition...
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We consider the problem of sequential search when the decision to stop searching is made by a committee. We show that a symmetric stationary equilibrium exists and is unique given that the distribution of rewards is log concave. Committee members set a lower acceptance threshold than do...
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. While the evidence for economic voting has historically been weak for Australia, the 2004 election suggests an increasingly …
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this paper is to systematically analyze the drivers of congressional voting behavior on immigration policy during the …
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