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We study household decision making in a high-stakes experiment with a random sample of households in rural China …. Spouses have to choose between risky lotteries, first separately and then jointly. We find that spouses' individual risk …
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This study measures productivity growth using the Metafrontier Malmquist-Luenberger productivity growth index (MML index) method and decomposes the index. The results are compared with those obtained from the conventional Malmquist-Luenberger (ML) productivity growth index. MML has two...
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In this paper we compare two flexible estimators of technical efficiency in a cross-sectional setting: the nonparametric kernel SFA estimator of Fan, Li and Weersink (1996) to the nonparametric bias corrected DEA estimator of Kneip, Simar and Wilson (2008). We assess the finite sample...
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The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of corporate R&D activities on firms' performance, measured by labour productivity. To this end, the stochastic frontier technique is applied, basing the analysis on a unique unbalanced longitudinal dataset consisting of 532 top...
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This study examines whether people optimally respond to prize incentives for risk taking in tournaments. I exploit the … the degree of risk taking depending on the incentives implied by the prize structure they face. I find that they are more …
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A main prediction of agency theory is the well known risk-incentive trade-off. Incentive contracts should be found in … environments with little uncertainty and for agents with low degrees of risk aversion. There is an ongoing debate in the literature … use of a unique representative data set, we find clear evidence that risk aversion has a highly significant and …
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We use two large Dutch datasets to estimate the Risk Augmented Mincer equation and test for risk compensation in … expected earnings. We replicate earlier findings of a positive premium for risk and a negative premium for skew and add … educations but obtain identical risk compensation. Among recent graduates, women receive higher risk compensation than men …
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variance of exam grades is higher and that starting wages are lower if the skew is higher: employers shift quality risk to new …
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This paper investigates the effects of labor market integration, in the form of worker mobility, in a model with long-term labor contracts that lead to wage rigidities and unemployment. Reflecting the interdependence of regional labor markets, we develop a general-equilibrium framework where the...
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assess heritability in attitudes towards economic risk, and the extent to which this heritability differs between males and … risk are moderately heritable, with about 20 percent of the variation in these attitudes across individuals being linked to …) and Zhong, Chew, Set, Zhang, Xue, Sham, Ebstein and Israel (2009). While females are more risk averse than males, there is …
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