Showing 1 - 10 of 276
Andreoni and Sprenger (in press) report evidence that distinct utility functions govern choices under certainty and risk. I investigate the robustness of their result to the experimental design. I find that the effect disappears completely when a multiple price list is used instead of a convex...
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We study whether natural disasters affect risk-taking behavior exploiting geographic variation in exposure to natural disasters. We conduct standard risk games (using real money) with randomly selected individuals in Indonesia and find that individuals who recently suffered a flood or earthquake...
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Dieser Beitrag analysiert die Wirksamkeit der Förderung beruflicher Weiterbildung im Rahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik vor und nach den Hartz-Reformen. Ergebnisse der bei flächendeckenden Arbeitsmarktreformen in Deutschland erstmals offiziell durchgeführten Wirkungsanalyse deuten auf...
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Die deutsche Arbeitsmarktpolitik ist im Zuge der Hartz-Reformen grundsätzlich neu strukturiert und systematisch evaluiert worden. Die vorliegenden Evaluationsberichte der ersten drei Hartz-Gesetze belegen nun vielfach, welche Instrumente der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik sich durch ihre...
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We study risk attitudes, ambiguity attitudes, and time preferences of 661 children and adolescents, aged ten to eighteen years, in an incentivized experiment. We relate experimental choices to field behavior. Experimental measures of impatience are found to be significant predictors of health...
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Vietnamese villages and by estimating the parameters of the Cumulative Prospect Theory and of quasi-hyperbolic time preferences …
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We explore the individual and joint explanatory power of concepts from economics, psychology, and criminology for criminal behavior. More precisely, we consider risk and time preferences, personality traits from psychology (Big Five and locus of control), and a self-control scale from...
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We show that socio-economic status (SES) is a powerful predictor of many facets of a child's personality. The facets of personality we investigate encompass time preferences, risk preferences, and altruism, as well as crystallized and fluid IQ. We measure a family's SES by the mother's and...
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This paper studies the influence of information on entry choices in a competition with a controlled laboratory experiment. We investigate whether information provision attracts mainly high productivity individuals and reduces competition failure, where competition failure occurs when a subject...
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. Yet, economic theory predicts that the scope for punishment as acting as a deterrent depends on how much individuals …
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