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Developing countries are increasingly aware of the need to design and implement improvements in public systems for providing pensions to the elderly. Such systems may aim to smooth consumption and thus provide reliable income to older people, reduce poverty among the elderly, insure those no...
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Population ageing will be the dominant feature of the world's demographic landscape in the coming decades, raising concerns about labor productivity and about economic outcomes at both the individual, enterprise, and macro levels. The articles in this special issue of Labour Economics define and...
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Population aging is typically associated with economic challenges for productivity and financial threats for the old-age financial protection system of a country. This paper takes an optimistic position and outlines key ingredients to make it a successful experience. Yet to turn this challenge...
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This chapter connects population aging with international migration. After documenting the trends for both, we review the supply-push and demand-pull determinants of migration, focusing particularly on the role of age and aging. We subsequently discuss the literature concerning the implications...
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Angesichts des demographischen Wandels wird es immer wichtiger, dass sich Unternehmen und Erwerbstätige auf ein längeres Erwerbsleben einstellen. Eine höhere Beschäftigungsquote älterer Arbeitskräfte und ein späterer Renteneintritt erlauben die Mobilisierung von dringend benötigten...
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This paper provides an overview of the employment situation of young and old workers in the EU Member States, setting out the most recent development during the crisis and dealing with policies implemented to promote the employment of both groups. The evidence collected shows that there is no...
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Over the course of China's economic reforms, a pronounced divergence in the labor force participation patterns of rural and urban elders emerged – rural elders increased their rates of participation while urban elders reduced theirs. In this project, based on the data of the Chinese population...
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Lifelong learning represents a key response to the demographic challenge in Germany. In terms of professional success, not only hard skills but also soft skills hold importance. Indeed, the OECD competence tests PISA and PIAAC have come to the fore, although acquired skills are still relevant....
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Die zentrale Antwort auf die demografische Herausforderung in Deutschland ist das lebenslange Lernen. Mit Blick auf den beruflichen Erfolg sind dabei nicht nur die hard skills, sondern auch die soft skills von Bedeutung. Kompetenzen wurden durch die OECD-Kompetenztests PISA und PIAAC zwar in den...
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We compare two policies of increasing British state pension provision: (a) increase the pensionable age of men and women, (b) maintain the existing retirement age but require older workers to work longer per-period hours. There are reasons for policy makers to give serious consideration to the...
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