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entrepreneurs and how these actions depend upon the prevailing institutions. While institutions have extensively been examined for … their influences upon the freedoms and the incentives of entrepreneurs, and thereby upon the level of employment of … resources, this paper examines their influences upon the selection of entrepreneurs, and thereby upon the efficiency of that …
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entrepreneurs with respect to commercialization as well as the rate of innovation. We find that stronger intellectual property … protection makes it more likely that entrepreneurs will commercialize by cooperating with incumbents rather than competing with …
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where adverse selection problems between entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and incumbents are present. We show that as …
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Attention is called to a little explored scarce resource, termed 'economic competence', which combines features of human capital and bounded rationality, and causes a singularity in resource-allocation in society. The performance of each economy is shown to strongly depend on how this resource...
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Most previous studies have found evidence at the aggregate level that female entrepreneurs underperform relative to … sample of 4200 entrepreneurs (405 females) with 1 to 20 employees in all sectors of the economy. Our study confirms the … results of several previous studies that female entrepreneurs tend to underperform relative to men when the data is examined …
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In this paper entrepreneurs are defined as agents who bring about economic change by combining their own effort with … policies, taxation and the regulation of labor markets. Institutions have far-reaching effects on entrepreneurship, and they … entrepreneurship to the institutional setup it is maintained that in-depth analyses of specific institutions are required in order to …
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Most previous studies have found evidence at the aggregate level that female entrepreneurs underperform relative to … sample of 4200 entrepreneurs (405 females) with 1 to 20 employees in all sectors of the economy. Our study confirms the … results of several previous studies that female entrepreneurs tend to underperform relative to men when the data is examined …
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We investigate the dramatic transformation of ownership policies and ownership structure in Sweden during the postwar period. After WWII, Swedish ownership policies were guided by a socialist vision where the ultimate goal was abolition of private ownership. These policies came to an end in the...
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Recent research has highlighted the role of institutions in channeling entrepreneurs into activities with positive or … reveals the bilateral causal relation between entrepreneurs and institutions. Core features of the entrepreneur force us to … channels of influence are isolated, analyzed and exemplified. Entrepreneurs influence formal economic institutions through …
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In this introductory chapter to a collective volume dealing with the political economy of entrepreneurship,* we argue …, based on a suggested unifying framework, that political economy is a fruitful approach to entrepreneurship. The importance … the selected articles also show that the social value of entrepreneurship must be evaluated as it is realized. Three …
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