Showing 1 - 10 of 18
The analysis of bank accounting ratios as indicators of competitiveness has been complemented and occasionally revised by the increasing use of more sophisticated indices ofefficiency. In recent years, over a hundred studies have analysed the efficiency of financial institutions, concentrating...
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Over the last decade, the Spanish banking sector has undergone a radical structural change. The old bank statu quo has broken down due both to the impact of technical change and to a strong deregulation process, that has given way to a much freer and competitive economic environment. Similarly,...
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In this paper we extend the efficiency cross-country comparisons to ten European countries in order to know how different or similar current banking performances are. We start with two types of comparisons. First of all, we evaluate the average technical efficiency of each country by means of a...
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This study analyses cost and revenue inefficiencies for a sample of European railway companies. On the basis of a DEA model we calculate cost and revenue inefficiencies, decomposing them into inefficiencies of a technical or allocative type. It is observed that inefficiencies in revenues are...
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Traditional efficiency measures neglect bank risk and, even when risk is accounted for, do not differentiate between the portion subject to managerial control (¿internal¿) versus the portion that is exogenous and is part of a changing environment (¿external¿). This paper proposes a new...
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Increased competition and the attempts of European banks to increase their presence in other markets may have affected the efficiency and credit risk. The first of this aspects is based on the incentive to the banks to reduce cost in order to gain in competitiveness. The second is associated to...
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This paper analyses the efficiency and productivity growth experienced by the Spanish Banking System over the 1986-92 period. The analysis uses a non parametric approach together with the Malmquist index to decompose the productivity growth into changes in efficiency (catching-up) and...
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The implantation of the Euro in the eleven of the EU has driven the big banks to expand their presence in other European countries, which may have negative consequences on their credit risk in view of the disadvantages involved in entering new markets. The aim of this paper is to analyse the...
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The aim of this article is to analyze the financial-economic situation by sizes of Spanish firms. The results show that, not only the small size firms, but also the medium size firms, find more difficulties in their production organization than large firms. In fact, their human resources are...
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This paper aims to analyze the determinant factors of the commercial banks andsavings banks productivity dynamics for the 1986- 1992 period. Adjustment costs and the roleof expectations on banking firms decisions are included in the analysis, which concentrateson a period of important structural...
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