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In the literature there are a number of generalizations of the Gini coefficient which inherit most of its appealing … than to the poorest one. The aim of this paper is to propose extensions of these generalizations of the Gini coefficient …
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We analyze a society that cares about inequality of opportunity. We propose adynamic setting in which effort is a decision variable that individuals adopt as asolution of an explicit utility maximization program. Effort determines themonetary outcome and it depends on the individual¿s...
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This paper investigates the effect of health shocks on household consumption and child nutrition. Using longitudinal data from rural Colombia we find that several items of household consumption, including medical expenditure, food consumption, and total consumption, increase following a recent...
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We show under lognormality that, when the Gini coefficient is stable over time, defining the poverty line as a fraction …. That is, poverty does not change if the Gini coefficient does not change. Moreover, when the Gini coefficient slightly …
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We study the incentive problem between the owners of a firm and its CEO's due to the unobservability of the manager's actions. Our model departs from the literature in two ways. First, we acknowledge that, in contrast with standard repeated moral hazard models, actions taken by CEO's have a...
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This paper studies the business cycle dynamics of the income and wealth distributions in the context of the neoclassical growth model where agents are heterogeneous in initial wealth and non-acquired skills. Our economy admits a representative consumer which enables us to characterize the...
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Spatial price dispersion varies because of climatic fluctuations, marketimperfections, economic growth or economic policies. These variations areoften neglected in poverty studies.In this paper, we propose a simple simulation formula to assess the effecton poverty of a change in the spatial mean...
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This paper questions the empirical evidence of the relationship between inequality and growth on the basis of the estimation of convergence equations. The criticisms are aimed in two directions - at the quality of the data and at the standard estimation procedure. It begins by describing in...
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This paper examines the usefulness of the Spanish Household Budget Continuous Survey (base 1997), ECPF1997, on order to study the distribution of income. In particular compares the original quarterly files with a longitudinal file constructed by the Spanish Statistical Institute (INE). Given...
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We derive a parametric formula of the Watts' poverty index for the bivariate lognormal distribution of price indices and nominal living standards. This enables us to analyze the contributions of price and nominal living standard distributions to poverty, to estimate poverty when only means and...
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