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Problem nadzoru korporacyjnego podejmowany jest przez rozne dyscypliny naukowe, a sposob podejscia determinowany jest przez rozumienie natury firmy, jej celow oraz prawa korporacyjnego. Istotnymi czynnikami pobudzajacymi dyskusje nad problemem nadzoru korporacyjnego staly sie rowniez glosne...
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Financial management in a company is a decision process subject to achievement of the main goal of the company, that is its value maximization. Estimation of the cost of capital is of great significance in this area. The cost of capital affects the key decisions of the board concerning the scale...
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate IPO developments across five CEE countries between 2003 and 2012. Using a wider range of methods and different data sets we intend to complement the previous research. Applying descriptive statistics, relevant local developments are analysed first...
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This paper empirically investigates the links between the motives for going public and changes in the market value and efficiency of new stock companies. Using a sample of 200 firms from Warsaw Stock Exchange between 2005 and 2012 I find that the principal purpose of initial public offering is...
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The main goal of the article is the assessment of mezzanine financing as an innovative form in Poland, which might play a significant role in the dynamically developing companies which can’t obtain sufficient capital from traditional sources in the form of bank credits. Mezzanine may be...
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The main objective of this paper is to present the results of empirical studies on net profit distribution in companies using state–owned enterprises against payment . The main research hypothesis states that the majority of companies using state–owned enterprises against payment waive their...
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In the work, the subject of the discount rate assessment is presented. It is crucial as regards assessing the non-financial investment profitability. The discount rate is usually considered as constant one in the whole investment period, which seems to be the main problem. The constant discount...
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The main subject of theoretical-empirical study presented in this paper is economic efficiency of companies listed on the Polish and German capital market . The discussed research problem was investigated in the form of a comparative analysis and realized in two parts. The discussion presented...
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Celem artykulu jest zweryfikowanie zwiazkow zarzadzania zaopatrzeniem ze strategia przedsiebiorstwa oraz wartoscia przedsiebiorstwa. Punktem wyjscia do prowadzonych analiz sa badania przeprowadzone wsrod polskich menedzerow, dotyczace roli zakupow w przedsiebiorstwie, w 2008 i 2010 roku....
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Celem artykulu jest analiza pozycji konkurencyjnej najwiekszych przedsiebiorstw branzy budowlanej z wojewodztwa podlaskiego, na tle sektora w latach 2010 – 2012. Do analizy wykorzystany zostal tzw. Radar Nagashimy, pozwalajacy okreslic w sposob syntetyczny wzgledne ksztaltowanie sie wybranego...
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