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Het Rapport over de Achtste Kapitaalsverhoging van de Bank, goedgekeurd in 1994, vereist desystematische opname van inheemse kwesties in beleidslijnen en projecten van de Bank (document AB-1704, paragraaf 2.27). Deze nieuwe proactieve benadering complementeert de eerdere focus op hetvermijden of...
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This content of this report, Operating Guidelines for Implementation of the Indigenous Peoples Policy (OP-765), instructs IDB Bank staff on how to apply the Indigenous Peoples Development Strategy (GN-2387-5). The Guidelines contain procedures for implementing the IPP, strategic measures for...
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The IDB's Eight Replenishment Report adopted in 1994 specifically recognizes the correlation between ethnicity and poverty, as well as the importance of the cultural and natural assets of indigenous peoples for development, and mandates the systematic inclusion of indigenous issues in Bank...
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The objective of this Health Strategy (GN-2321) is to help Latin American and the Caribbean countries improve the health of their populations, attaining national health objectives and tailoring Millennium Development Goals to conditions in each country. The priorities areas of Bank Actions...
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This report, prepared by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu transfer pricing specialists with the funding of the IDB, compares the transfer pricing regulations in the OECD guidelines, and in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, the United States, and Venezuela.
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This document was presented at the 1st Hemispheric Meeting of the Science and Technology and Innovation Network held at the Inter-American Development Bank on April 16th-17th, 2007. This account of the Bank's activities between 1990 and 2005 illustrates the contribution of the IDB Group to the...
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This presentation discusses lessons from urban transportation case studies in Latin America. Urban Sustainable Mobility Policies are discussed with strategies and plans from an integrated and comprehensive approach. This presentation was presented at the ADB Transport Forum held in Manila,...
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Latin America loses about nine trillion cubic meters of water each year, or some 30 percent of the water collected and treated for public consumption. While it is impossible for water systems to deliver 100 percent of their water to the household tap, Latin America could cut those losses by more...
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Research on the impact of cash remittances on the developing economies of Latin America and the Caribbean countries.
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research on the impact of cash remittances on the developing economies of Latin American and Caribbean countries.
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