Showing 1 - 10 of 19
Leader's Statement of the G20 Pittsburgh Summit, What's Systemic Risk, Framework for Mitigating Systemic Risk, Japanese Safety-net for Deposit-taking Financial Institutions...
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Financial crisis an insurance, Ten consequences for Risk Management and Supervision, Conclusion regarding an IGF...
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Three propositions: Insurance Companies can be systemic importance; Insurance companies should be subject to tougher regulation and supervision; Risks should be assessed on a group-wise basis...
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Insurance has to assess and manage emerging risks. Undertsanding emerging risks includes understanding the social construction of risk: for example, the ermgence of a disease or illness as a social process, not only as an epidemiological phenomenon. The social construction of risk - as Tom Baker...
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Implementing adaption measures are required to reduce society's vulnerability to climate risk and maintain the risk at manageable levels. These measures will help ensure the long-term availability and affordability of insurance...
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First, we must insist that the "Best Science" is informing our understanding of the future risks, and how these risks are apportioned across different geographies and amongst different stakeholders. We need for this science to be both objective and robust as there are significant uncertainties...
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IACPM is a non-profit industry association developed to Further the management of credit exposures by providing a forum for members to exchange ideas, foster research on credit portolio management, represent members before legislative and admistrative bodies...
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Financial firms have a vast array of possible investments to choose from and products to sell. The financial market changes fast and in the future will likely look very different than in the past. Risk Management in general has the tendency to lag behind these innovation since it is often much...
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Before - The use of ratings; During- Responses, Reactions, Lessons Learnt; After- BReakouts, Conclusions...
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Swiss Re defines Operational Risk in line with Basel II banking regulations as the "Expected and unexpected economic impact of inadequate or failed internal processes, people, and systems or from external events...
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