Showing 1 - 10 of 18
This paper examines a new model of credit risk measurement, the Variance Gamma- Merton one, which seems to be adequate for describing single default occurrence and default correlation in turbulent times. It is based on the notion of business time. Business time runs faster than calendar time...
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The most common approach for default dependence modelling is at present copula functions. Within this framework, the paper examines factor copulas, which are the industry standard, together with their latest development, namely the incorporation of sudden jumps to default instead of a pure...
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In this note we use doubly stochastic processes (or Cox processes) in order to model the evolution of the stochastic force of mortality of an individual aged x. These processes have been widely used in the credit risk literature in modelling the default arrival, and in this context have proved...
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The paper illustrates the efficiency features of the Italian banking system through a review of the most important empirical studies over the last fifteen years. Particular emphasis is given to DEA (dynamic envelopment analysis) studies and to their capability to investigate economies of scale...
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Structural models of credit risk are known to present vanishing spreads at very short maturities. This shortcoming, which is due to the diffusive behavior assumed for asset values, can be circumvented by considering discontinuities of the jump type in their evolution over time. In particular,...
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Normal mean variance mixtures are extensively applied in finance. Under conditions for infinite divisibility they generate subordinated Brownian motions, used to represent stocks returns. The standard generalization to the multivariate setting of normal mean variance mixture does not allow for...
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The implementation of credit risk models has largely relied on the use of historical default dependence, as proxied by the correlation of equity returns. However, as is well known, credit derivative pricing requires risk-neutral dependence. Using the copula methodology, we infer risk neutral...
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In this note we use doubly stochastic processes (or Cox processes) in order to model the evolution of the stochastic force of mortality of an individual aged x. These processes have been widely used in the credit risk literature in modelling the default arrival, and in this context have proved...
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In this paper we suggest the adoption of copula functions in order to price multivariate contingent claims. Copulas enable us to imbed the marginal distributions extracted from vertical spreads in the options markets in a multivariate pricing kernel. We prove that such kernel is a copula...
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In this paper we use doubly stochastic processes (or Cox processes) in order to model the random evolution of mortality of an individual. These processes have been widely used in the credit risk literature in modelling default arrival, and in this context have proved to be quite flexible,...
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