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This edition of the Development Centre's annual report on policy coherence focuses on migration. The book examines the costs and benefits of migration for developing countries and how these flows can be better organised to yield greater benefits for all parties concerned -- migrant-sending...
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Eradicating poverty has long been one of the priorities of development co-operation. Yet, despite undoubted progress towards this goal, the strategies adopted at the international and national levels remain controversial. Poverty reduction is a complex issue, involving numerous players in a host...
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Achieving the economic development of poor countries remains, even in the third millennium, a formidable challenge which increasingly preoccupies OECD countries. The Organisation's Development Centre was founded in 1962 as one means to study and to try to confront the problems of comparative...
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In 2015, as the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) come to an end, the international community is embarking on a new global framework for sustainable development. The international community, including the OECD and its members, will need to adapt its policy instruments and working methods to...
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This edition of Better Policies for Development focuses on illicit financial flows and their detrimental effects on development and growth. Every year, huge sums of money are transferred out of developing countries illegally. The numbers are disputed, but illicit financial flows are often cited...
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With 1.2 billion people, today’s youth population aged 15-24 represents the largest cohort ever to enter the transition to adulthood. Close to 90% of these young people live in developing countries, and the numbers will practically double in the least developed countries. These young people...
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This report introduces the Framework for Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD) - a screening tool that aims to support governments in designing and implementing coherent policies. It explores policy coherence in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and...
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The development process can advance more rapidly than ever before in the new global economy. While opening their economies to trade and investment is a necessary condition for developing countries to achieve sustained high growth and reduce poverty, it is by no means a sufficient condition....
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In a first-ever joint report by the UN, the OECD, the World Bank and the IMF, the world’s four principal development institutions assess progress towards poverty reduction goals and agree on a common vision for the way forward. The goals for international development address that most...
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For aid donors, the pro-poor growth agenda is not business as usual and more of the same will not be sufficient. Focusing on pro-poor growth and income poverty, Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Policy Guidance for Donors identifies binding constraints and offers policies and strategies to address...
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