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Although there are numerous studies of the dowry phenomenon in India, research pertaining to the custom in the rest of South Asia is sparse.The aim of this paper is to study dowry payments in Pakistan.Several interpretations for dowry are distinguished using a simple theoretical framework and...
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This paper investigates individual motives to participate in rotating savings and credit associations (roscas).Detailed evidence from roscas in a Kenyan slum (Nairobi) suggests that most roscas are predominantly composed of women, particularly those living in a couple and earning an independent...
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This 2014–2015 Global Food Policy Report is the fourth in an annual series that provides a comprehensive overview of major food policy developments and events. In this report, distinguished researchers, policymakers, and practitioners review what happened in food policy in 2014 at the global,...
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Une alimentation équilibrée est le socle sur lequel reposent des vies saines, des moyens de subsistance solides et durables et des économies prospères. En l’absence de ce socle, leur construction s’appuie sur des sables mouvants. Les enfants souffrant d’un retard de croissance ne...
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A boa nutrição é fundamental para se construírem vidas saudáveis, meios de subsistência fortes e resilientes, e economias prósperas. Em sua ausência, a construção é feita em areia movediça. Crianças com atraso de crescimento não se desenvolvem adequadamente e, em especial,...
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Una buena nutrición es fundamental para promover vidas saludables, medios de subsistencia sólidos y resistentes, y economías prósperas. Sin ella, estos empeños se asientan sobre terreno inestable. Los niños con retraso de crecimiento no pueden crecer ni desarrollarse adecuadamente, y...
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At the 2013 Nutrition for Growth Summit in London, 96 signatories (governments, civil society organizations, donors, United Nations’ agencies, and businesses) agreed to support the creation of an annual report on global nutrition that would be authored by an independent expert group, in...
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economies. In its absence, their construction takes place on quicksand. Stunted children fail to grow and develop properly, with …
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Using insights from ‘embodied cognition’ and a resulting ‘cognitive theory of the firm’, I aim to contribute to the further development of evolutionary theory of organizations, in the specification of organizations as ‘interactors’ that carry organizational competencies as...
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We develop a revealed preference approach to analyze non-unitary con- sumption models with intrahousehold allocations deviating from the cooper- ative (or Pareto e¢ cient) solution. At a theoretical level, we establish re- vealed preference conditions of household consumption models with...
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