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and ex post agricultural risk due to weather-related variability and shocks. We use data on the migration patterns of … individuals over a 20-year period and temperature degree-days to identify agricultural risk. Controlling for ex ante and ex post … risk, we find that households with higher ex ante risk are more likely to send migrants. Households facing hot shocks …
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greater confidence in the process of setting agricultural research investment priorities." from Authors' Abstract …
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whether demand behaves as predicted with respect to price, the basis of the hedge, and risk aversion using data from a … randomized control trial in which price and basis risk was varied for a series of hedging products offered to farmers. We find … that demand behaves as predicted, with demand falling with price and basis risk, and appearing hump-shaped in risk aversion …
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study aims to explore the potential adoption of these risk-reducing technologies. Using discrete choice experiments …
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Using a participatory rural appraisal approach, a series of qualitative studies were conducted in four countries facing negative impacts of climate change—Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya and Mali—in order to determine men’s and women’s perceptions of climate change,...
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This report provides some reflections and insights on the level of awareness, practices, and organizational and institutional issues being faced by countries as they adapt to climate change, based on interviews with 87 practitioners working in government agencies, local organizations,...
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This paper addresses the previously unanswered question of whether the private sector might play a future role in developing similar strains through applications of advanced biotechnology, and whether their research and development efforts would benefit poor and vulnerable farmers in...
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in the agricultural sector. Agriculture is a high-risk endeavor in both regions, due to a combination of recurrent …, especially low access to input and output markets. These factors, combined with farmers’ high aversion to risk, stifle …
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Farmers in rural Bangladesh face multiple sources of uninsured risk to agricultural production and household assets. In … group savings does not alter demand for insurance, though group savings is found to be a particularly popular risk …
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educated, rich, and proactive individuals were more likely to purchase insurance. Risk aversion was associated with low … risk reduced demand for insurance, particularly when the price of the contract was high, and that provision of insurance …
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