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In most macroeconomic models, the substitutability between domestic and foreign goods is calibrated using aggregated data. This imposes homogeneous elasticities across goods, and the calibration is only valid under this assumption. If elasticities are heterogeneous, the aggregate...
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Experience shows that there is often ample room for more effective and efficient use of investment tax incentives in low-income countries. Tax incentives generally rank low in investment climate surveys in low-income countries, and there are many examples in which they are reported to be...
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There is a widespread view that the adjustment of U.S. trade prices--and hence merchandise trade flows--in the face of the substantial dollar depreciation since early 1985 has been slower than might have been expected. This paper examines the recent behavior of U.S. trade prices, and concludes...
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Trade integration can play a much larger role in boosting shared prosperity. The current focus on trade tensions threatens to obscure the great untapped benefits possible from further trade reform. The opportunities provided by information technology and other fundamental changes in the global...
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What is the human cost of the global economic crisis? How many people will the crisis prevent from escaping poverty, and how many will remain hungry? How many more infants will die? Are children being pulled out of schools, not getting the education they need to become more productive adults and...
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development crisis. The financial crisis originated in the developed world, but it has spread quickly and inexorably to the … developing world, sparing no country. Increasingly it appears that this will not be a short-lived crisis. The poor countries are … survival. At high- level meetings held in 2008 to mark the MDG halfway point, world leaders expressed grave concern that the …
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world is going to respond to the challenge of climate change, building on the foundation laid at the conference in Bali in …
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. Yet the world is still far from achieving the MDGs. This Global Monitoring Report (GMR) reviews the efforts under way to …
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The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Monterrey Consensus have created a powerful global compact for development. But the continued credibility of this compact hinges on fostering momentum in its implementation. With the five-year stocktaking of the implementation of the Millennium...
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