Showing 1 - 10 of 163
invited to join NATO; and in the same month, the European Commission recommended that EU start membership talks in near future …
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The sharp increase in fiscal deficits and public debt in most advanced and several developing economies has raised concerns about the sustainability of public finances and highlighted the need for a significant adjustment over the medium term. This paper assesses the usefulness of fiscal rules...
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Der Länderbericht des IMF über Turkmenistan beschreibt das wirtschaftliche Umfeld des Landes. In einzelnen Kapiteln wird auf die jüngere wirtschaftliche Entwicklung eingegangen, die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen für die Wirtschaftspolitik dargestellt und das Wirtschaftsreformprogramm...
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Der Bericht des IMF über Tadschikistan gibt einen Überblick über die Wirtschaftsstruktur des Landes und beschreibt dann die jüngere Wirtschaftsentwicklung anhand der einzelnen volkswirtschaftlichen Aggregate. In einem weiteren Kapitel werden die Felder der Wirtschafts- und Reformpolitik...
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subsequent years. Lower investments will hamper future progress in sanitation and water supply. Fewer children in school will …
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The global financial crisis, the most severe since the great depression, is rapidly turning into a human and development crisis. The financial crisis originated in the developed world, but it has spread quickly and inexorably to the developing world, sparing no country. Increasingly it appears...
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The global monitoring report 2008 comes at an important time. This year marks the halfway point in the effort to achieve the millennium development goals (MDGs) by 2015. This is also an important year to work toward a consensus on how the world is going to respond to the challenge of climate...
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A Development Emergency: the title of this year's Global Monitoring Report, the sixth in an annual series, could not be more apt. The global economic crisis, the most severe since the Great Depression, is rapidly turning into a human and development crisis. No region is immune. The poor...
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This report provides a Debt Sustainability Analysis (LIC-DSA) of Grenada's public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) external and total debt for 2018. The macro-framework incorporates all previous debt restructurings, including the November 2017 haircut on commercial debt. Total public debt has...
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Benin remains at moderate risk of external debt distress. The rating is unchanged from the previous November 2018 DSA. All the projected external debt burden indicators remain below their thresholds under the baseline, but the ratio of the present value (PV) of external debt to exports exceeds...
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