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This selected issues paper on Indonesia was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with the member country. It is based on the information available at the time it was completed on August 21, 2012. The views expressed...
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Since the mid-1970s the annual inflation rate in Africa has averaged more than 15 percent, with many countries … experiencing rates of 20 percent or more. Inflation rates of this magnitude have significant adverse effects on the financial … strongly to monetary expansion as a major cause of inflation in African countries generally. Exchange rate depreciation is also …
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inflation since 2010 have led to a reevaluation of Brazil’s long-term potential growth rate. Growth accounting suggests that … implementation of the infrastructure investment program, higher domestic saving, and structural reforms. …
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Interest rates in China comprise a mix of both market determined interest rates (interbank rates and bond yields), and … regulated interest rates (lending and deposit rates), reflecting China's gradual process of interest rate liberalization. We …
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Since 1978 the Chinese economy has grown on average more than 9 percenta year. Per capita income has nearly quadrupled in the past 15 years andsome analysts predict that within 20 years the Chinese economy will belarger than that of the United States. This pamphlet analyzes the reasonsfor the...
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Upon entry into the European Union, countries become members of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), with a derogation from adopting the euro as their currency (that is, each country joining the EU commits to replace its national currency with the euro, but can choose when to request...
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consumption and private investment, took growth up to 4.4 percent. The fiscal accounts improved in 2004 on the strength of rising …
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This Selected Issues paper for South Africa presents a quantitative analysis of inflation dynamics in the country. The … inflation. Exposed to exchange rate and other shocks, the model confirms that a delayed policy response to inflation shocks … leads to persistently higher inflation rates and, subsequently, to a sharp real contraction of the economy. …
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recovering to 4 percent. The growth was supported by strong investment and robust export growth. Consumption slowed in response …
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