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This paper focuses on Togo’s Poverty Reduction Strategy. The Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper adopted by the government in March 2008 has allowed Togo once again to benefit from international financial cooperation. With a view to improving political and economic governance, the...
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This paper presents Haiti’s Sixth Review under the Extended Credit Facility and request for Waiver of Performance Criterion, and Augmentation of Access. Manufacturing activity would be hit the most, as the largest enterprises, including the important export textile sector, have been...
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Small developing states are disproportionately vulnerable to natural disasters. On average, the annual cost of disasters for small states is nearly 2 percent of GDP-more than four times that for larger countries. This reflects a higher frequency of disasters, adjusted for land area, as well as...
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The Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) and Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) are valuable components of the disaster risk financing tool kit for Fund members, especially developing countries. They help to meet urgent balance of payments needs, and are designed to play a catalytic role in mobilizing...
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This paper discusses Mozambique’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper—Economic and Social Plan for 2005. In the international context, the paper presents the evolution of the international economy so as to understand under what economic conditions the country will have to implement...
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Sri Lanka’s 2005 Article IV Consultation reports that the fiscal deficit exceeded budget targets, and with a significant amount of government financing provided by the central bank, the growth in monetary aggregates increased, contributing to higher inflation. The near-term economic...
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This paper reviews the Maldives’s Use of IMF Resources and Request for Emergency Assistance. The authorities have requested a purchase of an amount equivalent to SDR 4.1 million (50 percent of quota) under the IMF’s policy on emergency assistance related to natural disasters. The...
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This paper evaluates Sri Lanka’s Request for Emergency Assistance. The Sri Lankan authorities have requested a purchase in an amount of SDR 103.35 million under the IMF’s policy for emergency assistance related to natural disasters. In line with IMF policy for Poverty Reduction and...
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The January 2010 earthquake represented a major setback for Haiti, after several years of improved economic performance. Executive Directors commended the authorities for quickly restoring basic government functions and maintaining sound policies during the crisis. Directors welcomed the...
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