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This paper examines economic developments and policies in Canada during 1990–95. Spurred by the robust growth in the … United States and the easing of monetary conditions between 1991 and 1993, economic growth in Canada continued to strengthen …
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agreement with the Government of Canada (Canada), and has entered into amendments to the 2010 borrowing agreement with De … with Canada and the amendments to the borrowing agreements with The Netherlands and Korea will each provide new resources …
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This paper considers flow-of-funds accounting and analysis in relation to the forthcoming revision of the United Nations’ System of National Accounts (SNA), with emphasis on the problems faced by developing countries in this area. After a survey of the uses of flow-of-funds data, we conclude...
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The 1993 SNA represents a major advance in national accounting. While updating and clarifying the 1968 SNA, the 1993 SNA provides the basis for improving compilation of national accounts statistics, promoting integration of economic and related statistics, and enhancing analysis of economic...
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Designed to meet the basic needs of economists and statisticians, this pamphlet is unique in providing an explanation of the key principles underlying macroeconomic statistics when viewed as an integrated system. It highlights the interrelationships between the various sectors and provides a...
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This joint publication of the United Nations, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the World Bank reflects the changes and improvements that have been introduced to the System of National Accounts since its most...
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The Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) was established by the IMF in 1996 to guide members that already had, or that might seek, access to international capital markets in providing key economic and financial data to the public. In the following year, the IMF established the General Data...
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This 2005 Article IV Consultation highlights that Belgium’s growth has picked up following weakness in early 2005, mainly reflecting a negative contribution from the external sector and weak household consumption owing to high energy prices. The authorities and the IMF staff project GDP...
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This paper discusses Mali’s 2005 Article IV Consultation and Second and Third Reviews Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF). The PRGF-supported program is broadly on track. Performance on quantitative aspects remains strong. Although the record on the structural program...
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