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This paper reports the Fund's income position for FY 2013 following the closing of the Fund's accounts for the … financial year and completion of the external audit. FY 2013 net income, including income from surcharges, amounted to SDR 2 … of currencies has been made from the GRA to the investment account. The placement of the net income to the Fund …
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This paper assesses Estonia’s flexibility from two angles. The paper focuses on one aspect of that performance—the ability to sustain competitiveness. Then, a more forward-looking angle is the flexibility of Estonia’s labor and product markets. Estonia has made great...
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, we cannot get more than two wages. We explore several other models, including one combining ex ante and ex post …
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-specific variable, it is known that there are K reservation wages that could be posted, but generically never more than two actually are … posted in equilibrium. What is unknown is when we get two wages, and which wages are actually posted. For an example with K … combination of posted reservation wages, depending on parameters. We also show how wages, profits, and unemployment depend on …
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Using Chilean data, we document that for resource-rich small open economies the effects of terms of trade shocks on the wage gap (between skilled and unskilled workers) depend on factor intensities in the non-tradable sector, following the model in Galiani, Heymann, and Magud (2010). For a...
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This paper examines Honduras’s 2005 Article IV Consultation and Second Review Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility. In the period 1960–2000, output growth in Honduras ranked among the lowest in the region. During the 1990s, when growth recovered in the rest of Central...
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This Selected Issues paper assesses the fiscal risk impact of various events in Tonga and describes the challenges implied for fiscal management. The paper discusses that the Tongan government has made various efforts to limit the budgetary implications of the recent economic and political...
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This 2008 Article IV Consultation highlights that Tonga’s economy has shown resilience in the aftermath of the November 2006 riots and is now on a path to recovery. The key factor underpinning this resilience has been private investment. Donor-supported government reconstruction loans are...
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developing countries been responsible for thelowered wages of the unskilled, increased unemployment, and widenedincome inequality …
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We study the determinants of employment and wages in the public sector, using a new set of panel data for 34 LDCs and … education, and certain countercyclical pressures for government hiring (the real effective exchange rate for developing … countries and private employment for OECD countries). Certain measures of government wages are positively associated with …
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