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This paper investigates the relationship between macroeconomic conditions, alcohol use, and drinking problems using individual-level data from the 1987-1999 years of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. We confirm the procyclical variation in overall drinking identified in previous...
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equivalent workers fall sharply as unemployment duration progresses. We use the model to quantitatively assess the consequences … of such employer behavior for job finding rates and long term unemployment and find only modest effects given the large … dependence and long term unemployment …
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One of the strongest trends in recent macroeconomic modeling of labor market fluctuations is to treat unemployment … Unemployment," i.e., the extent to which increased unemployment during a recession arises from an increase in the number of … unemployment spells versus an increase in their duration. After broadly reviewing the previous literature, we replicate and extend …
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illustrate that the dynamic behavior of unemployment seems to change over the business cycle, with the unemployment rate rising …
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We examine the first-order internal effects of unemployment on a range of health behaviors during the most recent … decline in total physical activity. We also find that unemployment is associated with a decline in purchases of fast food …
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U.S. labor markets became much less fluid in recent decades. Job reallocation rates fell more than a quarter after 1990, and worker reallocation rates fell more than a quarter after 2000. The declines cut across states, industries and demographic groups defined by age, gender and education....
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sharp increase in the incidence of long-term unemployment (LTU) during the Great Recession. We first show that compositional … shifts in demographics, occupation, industry, region, and the reason for unemployment jointly account for very little of the … model that allows for duration dependence in the exit rate from unemployment and for transitions between employment (E …
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facts observed in the data. First, the land price and the unemployment rate tend to move in opposite directions over the … business cycle. Second, a shock that moves the land price is capable of generating large volatility in unemployment. Our … estimation indicates that a 10 percent drop in the land price leads to a 0.34 percentage point increase of the unemployment rate …
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A search and matching model, when calibrated to the mean and volatility of unemployment in the postwar sample, can … potentially explain the large unemployment dynamics in the Great Depression. The limited response of wages to labor market … conditions from credible bargaining and the congestion externality from matching frictions cause the unemployment rate to rise …
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In this paper, we study the short-run and long-run comovement between prices and real activity in the G7 countries during the postwar period using VAR forecast errors and frequency domain filters. We find that there are several patterns of the correlation coefficients that are the same in all...
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