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The Web edition of the IMF Survey is updated several times a week, and contains a wealth of articles about topical policy and economic issues in the news. Access the latest IMF research, read interviews, and listen to podcasts given by top IMF economists on important issues in the global...
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The Web edition of the IMF Survey is updated several times a week, and contains a wealth of articles about topical policy and economic issues in the news. Access the latest IMF research, read interviews, and listen to podcasts given by top IMF economists on important issues in the global...
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Rising Energy Costs, Liberia to get debt relief, Climate Change, World Economic Outlook, European Economic Outlook …
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John Lipsky's visit to South Africa and Mali, Latin American growth, Uruguay repays loan, Eastern Europe, Albania's economy, Belarus and Morocco, U.S. current account deficit, Francis Warnock, IMF governance, fiscal adjustment
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Murilo Portugal, Agustin Carstens, Kyrgyz Republic, HIPC, central Asia, Indonesian debt, Saudi Arabian economy, Peter Kenen, European Central Bank, ECB, Danish economy, flexicurity,Burundi's economy, aid volatility, Indian and China, Doing Business
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John Lipsky on IMF role; Liberia; Middle East outlook; Country briefs: Chile, Iceland; Ukraine reforms; Syria's oil crunch; Measuring sovereign risk; Maastricht inflation criterion; financial sector supervision; IMF bookstore; Nouriel Roubini
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Annual Meetings overview; IMFC communique; World Economic Outlook, chapters I, II, IV; Regional Economic Outlooks: Asia …
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Annual meetings curtain raiser; APD Director Burton on IMF role in Asia; Briefs on Bolivia, Indonesia; WEO: rising Asia and nonfuel commodity prices; GFSR: global financial system; euro area recovery; U.S. capital inflows; facts about Singapore
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globalization …
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IMF and low-income countries; De Rato in Tokyo; U.K. poverty initiative; Palau, Lithuania, Ethiopia, Kuwait; Volatility in Latin America; U.S. home equity withdrawal; Botswana: avoiding the resource curse; India: tax reform; U.S corporate cash balances
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