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Indien ist seit den 1990er Jahren international aufgestiegen. Die wichtigsten Ursachen dieses Erfolgs waren die Wirtschaftsreformen seit 1991 und die neuen internationalen Konstellationen nach dem Ost-West-Konflikt. Beides verschaffte dem Land in globalen Fragen deutlich mehr Gewicht. Allerdings...
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India has risen internationally since the 1990s. The most important reasons for this success are its economic reforms since 1991 and new inter­national constellations since the East-West conflict. Both have earned the country a significantly greater say on global issues, but India’s rise is...
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Among the many significant geopolitical consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine has been the reinvigoration of the Middle Corridor, both as a regional economic zone comprising Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Turkey but also as an increasingly attrac­tive alternative route between Europe...
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The SDG Summit will take place on 18-19 September 2023 in New York. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called it the “centrepiece” of the UN’s work this year. Numerous reports for this year’s mid-term review of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs will lament the “lack of political...
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Program implementation and economic fundamentals continue to be strong, but the external position weakened in mid-2014. Projected growth for 2014 has been revised down to 2.8 percent from 3.7 percent, due to weaker demand for Seychelles' two main exports�tourism and canned tuna. At the same...
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Context and policy challenges. Mozambique's macroeconomic performance remains robust, with strong growth and low inflation. In spite of the heightened risks from an uncertain global outlook, growth is expected to be broad-based in the medium term and boosted by the natural resource boom and...
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Côte d’Ivoire is preparing for presidential elections in October 2015 amid strong macroeconomic performance. All continuous and end-December quantitative performance criteria (PCs) and all but one indicative targets were met. All structural benchmarks were implemented, albeit with a minor...
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In spite of the implementation of measures to strengthen public financial management during the last quarter of 2014, the performance criteria (PC) for end-2014 relating to gross tax revenue and bank and market financing of the government were not met owing to administrative weaknesses at the...
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KEY ISSUES Main challenges: Rwanda continues to face the challenge of sustaining high growth in a context of uncertain donor flows, while avoiding the build-up of imbalances. Efforts to mobilize domestic revenue need to be reinvigorated, while judiciously using the limited borrowing space to...
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