Showing 1 - 10 of 81
For many applicant countries, accession to the WTO has been, and still is, a frustratingly slow process. In this paper, we discuss the substantial, contentious issues that are slowing down progress in accession negotiations. We contrast these with the benefits of WTO accession not only to the...
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Marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) are a favorite instrument to analyze international emissions trading. This paper focusses on the question of how to define MACCs in a general equilibrium context where the global abatement level influences energy prices and in turn national MACCs. We...
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Die Herausforderungen, die die Globalisierung an den Standort Deutschland stellt, haben in der öffentlichen und wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussion vielfältige Ängste ausgelöst. Vor allem wird befürchtet, dass die Globalisierung von Märkten, die sich in einer zunehmenden interindustriellen...
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recipients if governance is measured by the World Bank?s CPIA. If the CPIA is replaced by the Kaufmann index, however, the policy …
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A recent paper by Dollar and Kraay (2001) finds that higher primary educational attainment of the workforce does not increase the income of the poor except for its effect on average income. We test the robustness of their finding by using a broader measure of human capital that accounts for...
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