Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Der internationale Agrarhandel ist ein Schlüsselfaktor für die globale Ernährungssicherheit. Er schafft ein vielfältigeres Nahrungsangebot (e.g. Krivonos und Kuhn 2019), sichert gegen lokale Produktionsausfälle ab (Glauben et al. 2022) und hilft, sich regionale Produktions- und...
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International agricultural trade is key to improving global food security. It ensures access to more diversified foods (e.g. Krivonos and Kuhn 2019 ), acts as a safety net against local production shortfalls (Glauben et al. 2022) and helps make use of regional climatic or resource-related...
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Kazakhstan is now widely regarded as a key player on world agricultural markets, with considerable export potential in the wheat, beef and dairy sectors. Based on unique farm-level data covering all production systems currently relevant, we offer new insights into the constraints that hamper...
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Depending on multiple factors and regional characteristics, the area of agricultural land fuctuates with varying scale and speed. These fuctuations generally occur as a result of changes in a way individuals use their land. Human activities, such as agricultural expansion, intensifcation, or...
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The spread of information and communications technology (ICT) in Central Asia has reached a point where most farmers use smartphones with mobile internet access, providing an opportunity for a cost-effective and timely access to agricultural information and extension services. When extension...
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For a considerable time, long-only index funds have been suspected of being responsible for price increases on agricultural futures markets, particularly those for grain. Utilizing partial equilibrium concepts, we analyze the market impacts of long-only index funds. Our analysis reveals that...
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Over the past two decades, the Black Sea region has exhibited significantly growing wheat production and exports. In 2017/18, Russia ultimately became the world’s largest wheat exporter, a position that was held by the USA for decades. Mostly serving destination markets in the Middle East and...
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Die "Shutdown"-Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Covid-19-Pandemie haben zu einem Preisverfall auf den Rohöl- und Energiemärkten geführt, der erdölexportabhängige Staaten vor existenzielle Herausforderungen stellt. Die drei größten Rohölexporteure Afrikas (Algerien, Angola und Nigeria) sind...
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Forschungssoftware ist zu einem zentralen Gut der akademischen Forschung geworden. Sie ist oft das Rückgrat bestehender Forschungsmethoden, ermöglicht neue Forschungsmethoden, implementiert und bettet Forschungswissen ein und stellt selbst ein wesentliches Forschungsprodukt dar....
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