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This experimental study investigates insurance decisions in low-probability, high-loss risk situations. Results … individuals are risk averse with no specific threshold probability. …
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The global crisis of 2008-09 went in hand with sharp fluctuations in capital flows. To some extent, these fluctuations may have been attributable to uncertainty-averse investors indiscriminately selling assets about which they had poor information, including those in geographically distant...
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. The second is where each one seeking to maximize his utility function is intuitively constrained to minimize the risk. The … means that can combine these two aims is a well-defined investment process. Through this paper work we tried to summarize … around 26 years of experience of a group of traders and investment advisors. What’s common to all of them is the definition …
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A main prediction of agency theory is the well known risk-incentive trade-off. Incentive contracts should be found in … environments with little uncertainty and for agents with low degrees of risk aversion. There is an ongoing debate in the literature … use of a unique representative data set, we find clear evidence that risk aversion has a highly significant and …
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Using a laboratory experiment we investigate how skew in uences choices under risk. We find that subjects make …
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This paper shows that (i) project valuation via disequilibrium NPV+CAPM contradicts valuation via arbitrage pricing, (ii) standard CAPM-minded decision makers may fail to profit from arbitrage opportunities, (iii) standard CAPM-based valuation violates value additivity. As a consequence, the...
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This paper analyzes gender differences in the investment activity of German small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs … if they invest, then their average investment rate is lower. These differences cannot entirely be explained by firm or … owner characteristics. Furthermore, women’s investment is less sensitive to cash flow, which indicates that it is unlikely …
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This study examines the effect of oil prices on domestic investment in Ghana using quarterly time series data from 1984 … investment in Ghana. The analysis revealed that there is long run relationship between domestic private investment, oil price … investment. This indicate that shock in oil prices leads to a reduction in investment. It is therefore recommended that …
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In this paper we first introduce microfinance institutions as an alternative investment instrument. We argue that … financial instruments and conventional financial market measures of risk and return. …
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listed shares. Our analysis concerns the risk which arises from the Markowitz mean-variance approach. Our work method will be … implemented as following: first of all, we will test the normality and the stationarity of 31 shares which have composed our … methods of measurement of return, risk and the other statistical properties constitute, in fact, the pillars of companies …
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