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paper we address two issues related to the effects of MLA on risky investment decisions. First, we assess the relative … impact of feedback frequency and investment flexibility (via the investment horizon) on risky investments. Second, given that … we observe higher investments with a longer investment horizon, we examine conditions under which investors might …
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We present a new model of forward dynamic utilities. In doing so, we provide unique (viscosity) solutions. In addition, we introduce Hausdorff-continuous viscosity solutions to the portfolio model.
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This experimental study investigates insurance decisions in low-probability, high-loss risk situations. Results … individuals are risk averse with no specific threshold probability. …
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The global crisis of 2008-09 went in hand with sharp fluctuations in capital flows. To some extent, these fluctuations may have been attributable to uncertainty-averse investors indiscriminately selling assets about which they had poor information, including those in geographically distant...
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Mutual Funds are the most common form of investment for the average household. They offer a fair amount of return for a … limited amount of risk. Segregated Funds, which are, simply put, mutual funds with additional features, have grown in … the advantages and disadvantages to each. By selecting 5 mutual and segregated funds of similar investment patterns and …
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investment and configuration costs as well as interactive global reach) potentially could play a pivotal role in enabling …
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A main prediction of agency theory is the well known risk-incentive trade-off. Incentive contracts should be found in … environments with little uncertainty and for agents with low degrees of risk aversion. There is an ongoing debate in the literature … use of a unique representative data set, we find clear evidence that risk aversion has a highly significant and …
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Using a laboratory experiment we investigate how skew in uences choices under risk. We find that subjects make …
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concentration. We propose that the negative effect of idiosyncratic risk on investment is partly due to managerial risk aversion …We find a significant negative effect of idiosyncratic stock-return volatility on investment. We address the …, and find that the negative relationship between idiosyncratic uncertainty and investment is stronger for firms with high …
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In this paper, we provide general closed-form solutions to the incomplete-market random-coefficient dynamic optimization problem without the restrictive assumption of exponential or HARA utility function. Moreover, we explicitly express the optimal portfolio as a function of the optimal...
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