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In this paper an analytical framework using robust control was developed for the one-state and one-control variable model to examine the response of the control to changes in the "free" parameter. However, in contrast to Gonzalez and Rodriguez (2003), the sign of the ``free" parameter in the...
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The purpose of the paper is to derive and illustrate a new suboptimal-consistent feedback solution for infinite-horizon linear-quadratic dynamic Stackelberg games which is in the same solution space as the infinite-horizon dynamic programming feedback solution, but which puts the leader in a...
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Gross domestic product (GDP) and gross domestic income (GDI), though conceptually equivalent, differ by statistical discrepancy (SD). Currently, there are no estimates of SD by industry. Lack of such information hinders a proper understanding of the sources of inconsistency in the national...
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In a one-state one-control variable Quadratic Linear Problem, I examine the effect of an increase in the multiplicative uncertainty on the use of the control variable. In contrast with previous studies, this model considers a stochastic constant term in the transition equation. I found that the...
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This paper develops and illustrates the multi-step generalization of the standard single-step perturbation (SSP) method or MSP. In SSP, we can think of evaluating at x the computed approximate solution based on x0, as moving from x0 to x in "one big step" along the straight-line vector x-x0. By...
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In this essay, it is shown that in the Hoel and Karp (2001) model of global warming, the optimal response of taxes for a stock pollutant with mutiplicative uncertainty is opposite when the control variable is pollution taxes instead of emissions. In this case, the election of control variable...
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