Showing 1 - 10 of 16
We investigate the use of subsampling for conducting inference about the quadratic variation of a discretely observed diffusion process under an infill asymptotic scheme. We show that the usual subsampling method of Politis and Romano (1994) is inconsistent when applied to our inference...
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We propose an econometric model that captures the e¤ects of marketmicrostructure on a latent price process. In particular, we allow for correlationbetween the measurement error and the return process and we allow themeasurement error process to have a diurnal heteroskedasticity. Wepropose a...
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Semiparametric estimates of long memory seem useful in the analysis of long financial time series because they are consistent under much broader conditions than parametric estimates. However, recent large sample theory for semiparametric estimates forbids conditional heteroscedasticity. We show...
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Employing recent results of Robinson (2005) we consider the asymptotic properties ofconditional-sum-of-squares (CSS) estimates of parametric models for stationary timeseries with long memory. CSS estimation has been considered as a rival to Gaussianmaximum likelihood and Whittle estimation of...
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A valid asymptotic expansion for the covariance of functions of multivariate normal vectors is applied to approximate autovariances of time series generated by nonlinear transformation of Gaussian latent variates, and nonlinear functions of these, with special reference to long memory stochastic...
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Smoothed nonparametric estimates of the spectral density matrix at zero frequency have been widely used in econometric inference, because they can consistently estimate the covariance matrix of a partial sum of a possibly dependent vector process. When elements of the vector process exhibit long...
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We show that it is possible to adapt to nonparametric disturbance auto-correlation in time series regression in the presence of long memory in both regressors and disturbances by using a smoothed nonparametric spectrum estimate in frequency-domain generalized least squares. When the collective...
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Several semiparametric estimates of the memory parameter in standard long memory time series are now available. They consider only local behaviour of the spectrum near zero frequency, about which the spectrum is symmetric. However, long-range dependence can appear as a spectral pole at any...
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There is frequently interest in testing that a scalar or vector time series is I(0), possibly after first- differencing or other detrending, while the I(0) assumption is also taken for granted in autocorrelation-consistent variance estimation. We propose a test for I(0) against fractional...
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Unit root in output, an exceptional 2% rate of convergence, and no change in the underlying dynamics of output seems to be three stylized facts that can not go together. This paper extends the Solow-Swan growth model allowing for cross-sectional heterogeneity. In this framework, aggregate shocks...
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