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This paper analyzes the impact of a liquidity requirement similar to the Basel 3 Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) on the … banks from 2005 to 2011, we show that banks which are just above/below their short-term regulatory liquidity requirement pay … liquidity requirement's 30 day horizon. Being close to the minimum liquidity requirement induces banks to increase borrowing …
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This paper models a financial sector in which there is a feedback between individual bank risk and aggregate funding market problems. Greater individual risk taking worsens adverse selection problems on the market. But adverse selection premia on that market push up bank risk taking, leading to...
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The crisis of 2007-2009 has shown that financial market turbulence can lead to huge funding liquidity problems for … liquidity management are modelled in a panel Vector Autoregressive (p-VAR) framework. Orthogonalized impulse responses reveal … that banks respond to a negative funding liquidity shock in a number of ways. First, banks reduce lending, especially …
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The Basel 3 Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) is a micro prudential instrument to strengthen the liquidity position of … regulatory rule can have negative externalities. We simulate the systemic implications of the LCR by a liquidity stress …
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identical, implying that the concentration of liquidity in one asset is socially desirable. At the same time, too many buyers …
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Market liquidity is typically characterized by a number of ad hoc metrics, such as depth (or market impact), volume … the existing metrics on welfare grounds. In this paper we propose a welfare-based denition of liquidity and characterize … intermedia- tion services (i.e. \liquidity") in exchange for an endogenous fee. Our model is well suited to study the contagion …
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This paper analyzes the impact of a liquidity requirement similar to the Basel 3 Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) on … find that banks which are just above/below their quantitative liquidity requirement do not charge higher interest rates for …
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We assess the determinants of banks' liquidity holdings using balance sheet data for nearly 7000 banks from 30 OECD … banks' liquidity risk management. Our main question is whether the presence of liquidity regulation substitutes or … complements banks' incentives to hold liquid assets. Our results reveal that in the absence of liquidity regulation, the …
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We investigate 62 Dutch banks' liquidity behaviour between January 2004 and March 2010, when these banks were subject … to a liquidity regulation that is very similar to Basel III's Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR). We find that most banks … interaction between capital and liquidity buffers. However, this interaction turns out to be weaker during a crisis. Although not …
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Market liquidity is typically characterized by a number of ad hoc metrics, such as depth, volume, bid-ask spreads etc … grounds. In this paper we propose a welfare-based denition of liquidity and characterize its relationship to the usual proxies … intermediaries pursue prot opportunities by providing intermediation services (i.e. "liquidity") in exchange for an endogenous fee …
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