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Nonparametric regression is developed for data with both a temporal and a cross-sectional dimension. The model includes additive, unknown, individual-specific components and allows also for cross-sectional and temporal dependence and conditional heteroscedasticity. A simple nonparametric...
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. In the special case of a nonparametric regression subject to time series errors our estimator achieves efficiency …
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We propose a modification of kernel time series regression estimators that improves efficiency when the innovation …
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We propose a new estimator for nonparametric regression based on local likelihood estimation using an estimated error score function obtained from the residuals of a preliminary nonparametric regression. We show that our estimator is asymptotically equivalent to the infeasible local maximum...
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We develop new tests of the capital asset pricing model which are valid under the assumption that the distribution generating returns is elliptically symmetric; this assumption is necessary and sufficient for the validity of the CAPM. Our test is based on semiparametric efficient estimation...
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The lowering of trade barriers under the successive reforms of the pillar I of the Common Agricultural Policy, the opening of the commodity markets to an ever greater number of financial actors and the uncertainty created by climate change, amplify both production risk and market risks for...
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schemes are shown to be cost effective where production is more closely linked to land use, such as in agriculture and …
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In 1997 Rwanda introduced a re-settlement policy for refugees displaced during previous conflicts. We exploit geographic variation in the speed of implementation of this policy to investigate the impact of conflict-induced displacement and the re-settlement policy on household agricultural...
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agriculture and we found that risk explains up to 20% of inequality once other factors are controlled for. Furthermore, we have …
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Probably not. First, allowing the probabilities attached to the states of the economy to differ from their sample frequencies, the Consumption-CAPM is still rejected by the data and requires a very high level of Relative Risk Aversion(RRA) in order to rationalize the stock market risk premium....
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