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changes induced by the buying context in terms of regulatory focus, perceived time pressure, and stress. Our propositions …
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This paper uses microdata from Brazilian natality and mortality vital statistics between 2000 and 2010 to estimate the impact of in-utero exposure to local violence - measured by homicide rates - on birth outcomes. The estimates shows that exposure to violence during the first trimester of...
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This paper explores a wide range of cross-country determinants of life satisfaction exploiting a database of 90 …,000 observations in 70 countries. We distinguish four groups of aggregate variables as potential determinants of satisfaction … these variables on individual life satisfaction and test the robustness of our results with Extreme Bounds Analysis. The …
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inequality. We estimate this parameter using four large cross-sectional surveys of subjective happiness and two panel surveys … (which are based directly on the scale of reported happiness) could be biased upwards if true utility is convex with respect … to reported happiness. We find some evidence of such bias, but it is small—yielding a new estimated elasticity of 1 …
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Do other peoples’ incomes reduce the happiness which people in advanced countries experience from any given income? And … does this help to explain why in the U.S., Germany and some other advanced countries, happiness has been constant for many … samples since 1972) comparator income has a negative effect on happiness equal in magnitude to the positive effect of own …
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We analyse self-reported measures of satisfaction with life in a transition country, Kyrgyzstan, using 1993 household … survey data. We test whether higher levels of satisfaction are associated with greater economic well-being. This hypothesis … divorced. There appears to be little correlation between happiness and either gender or education level. We find some evidence …
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Should raising the growth rate of GDP per capita be a policy goal of governments in general, and of the British government in particular? Many people would say no, for the following reasons: 1) GDP is hopelessly flawed as a measure of welfare; 2) Growing GDP is pointless since most people don’t...
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Research on the measurement of subjective well-being (SWB) has escalated in recent years. This study contributes to the literature by examining how SWB reports differ by mode of survey administration. Using data from the 2011 Annual Population Survey in the UK, we find that individuals...
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literature includes influences on individuals’ momentary happiness. We contribute to this literature using a new data source … effects of working on two aspects of affect: happiness and relaxation. We find paid work is ranked lower than any of the other … equivalent to a 7-8% reduction in happiness relative to circumstances in which one is not working. Paid work has a similar though …
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Research evidence on the impact of relative income position on individual attitudes and behaviour is sorely lacking. Therefore, this paper assesses such positional impact on social capital by applying 14 different measurements to International Social Survey Programme data from 25 countries. We...
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