Showing 1 - 10 of 71
Individual and household based aggregate measures of worklessness can, and do, offer conflicting signals about labour market performance. We outline a means of quantifying the extent of any disparity, (polarisation), in the signals stemming from individual and household-based measures of...
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We develop a simple dynamic model of decision making in the presence of moral constraints. Norm violations induce a temporal feeling of guilt that depreciates with time. Due to endogenous fluctuations of guilt, people exhibit a dynamic inconsistency in social preferences—a behavior we term...
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This paper investigates possible explanations for the increases in inequality observed in Brazil during the 1980s …. While the static decompositions of inequality by household characteristics reveal that education and race of the household … head, as well as geographic location, can account for a substantial proportion of inequality levels, a dynamic …
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This paper presents the first UK estimates of the association between parental wealth during adolescence and a range of children’s outcomes in early adulthood. Parental wealth is positively associated with all outcomes examined (which include educational attainment, employment, earnings and...
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inequality that has become a central topic in economic analysis and policy debate. It decomposes changes in the variance of ln … earnings within-establishments and finds that much of the 1970s-2010s increase in earnings inequality results from increased … direct attention to the fundamental role of establishment-level pay setting and economic adjustments in earnings inequality. …
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The 2004 Presidential Election in Mozambique was marred by allegations of fraud. We assess the validity of these allegations by testing whether or not qualitative descriptions of the methods and locations of misconduct are consistent with a series of simple quantitative tests. Most studies of...
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Economic evaluation of climate policy traditionally treats uncertainty by appealing to expected utility theory. Yet our knowledge of the impacts of climate policy may not be of sufficient quality to justify probabilistic beliefs. In such circumstances, it has been argued that the axioms of...
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We introduce a notion of median uncorrelation that is a natural extension of mean (linear) uncorrelation. A scalar random variable Y is median uncorrelated with a kdimensional random vector X if and only if the slope from an LAD regression of Y on X is zero. Using this simple definition, we...
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For testing lack of correlation against spatial autoregressive alternatives, Lagrange multiplier tests enjoy their usual computational advantages, but the (χ2) first-order asymptotic approximation to critical values can be poor in small samples. We develop refined tests for lack of spatial...
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In the new South Africa, the promise of land restitution raised millennial-style expectations amongst dispossessed and dispersed former landholders. Partly prompted by emerging policy discourses, iconic tropes of localised cultural experience such as grave sites, initiation lodges and cattle...
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