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This paper extends the model proposed by Goodhart, Sunirand, and Tsomocos (2003, 2004a, b) to an infinite horizon setting. Thus, we are able to assess how the model conforms with the time series data of the U.K. banking system. We conclude that, since the model performs satisfactorily, it can be...
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This paper analyses whether sovereign default episodes can be seen as contingencies of optimal international lending …
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find that policy-induced exogenous increases in US rates raise default risk in emerging market economies, as hypothesised … real interest rates and reduce the risk of default dominate the hypothesised relationship. We can only conclude that it …
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and the determination of the optimal asset allocation using discount rates that ap-propriately reflect default risk. We …
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This paper contains a general equilibrium model of an economy with incomplete markets (GEI) with money and default. The … for positive default levels in equilibrium. It also characterises contagion and financial fragility as an equilibrium …
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advantages of debt against the risk of costly default. The costs of default are endogenous: bankrupt firms are forced to … efficient. When the tax rate is positive, the optimal capital structure is uniquely determined, default occurs with positive …
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, trading off the tax advantages of debt against the risk of costly default. The costs of bankruptcy are endogenously determined … corporate income tax rate is positive, firms have a unique optimal capital structure. In equilibrium firms default with positive … constrained inefficient. In particular there is too little debt and too little default. …
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Subjects donate individually (control group) or in pairs (treatment group). Those in pairs reveal their donation decision to each other. Average donations in the treatment group are significantly higher than in the control group. Paired subjects have the opportunity to revise their donation...
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have become indispensable for the charity industry. This has provoked both negative and positive appraisals, although the … providing a systematic analysis of the roles celebrities play in telethons, which we redefine as charity media events, allowing … analysis, we have analysed two charity media events following the 2010 Haitian earthquake. In general, four distinct roles have …
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